Synix Technology Pte Ltd - Wireless Surveillance System Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar - Synix Technology

Synix Technology Pte Ltd

No. 33 Ubi Avenue 3, #03-13 Vertex Building, Singapore 408868

Tel: +65 6509 8359
Fax: +65 6509 3250


Dual Band Fingerprint Reader | AR837EFS

Dual Band Fingerprint Reader | AR837EFS

High performance fingerprint reader built in LCD screen and keypad, support 125Khz & 13.56Mhz. RS485 & TCPIP interface. 0.8 sec identification time. 16K card users. 32K event memory. 9000 fingerprint (2 fingers per user).


  • -Door access control
  • -Turnstile access control
  • -Time attendance function

Special feature:

  • -ULTRA fast 700 msec 1:1000 fingerprint identification.
  • -Able to read fingerprint orientation in tolerance of + 45°to -45°.
  • -Super high accuracy with Fault Reject Rate less than 0.01% and resolution up to 500 dpi.
  • -High capacity performance support up to 16,000 card users, 9000 fingerprint templates and 32,000 memory events.
  • -Ability to set expiry date for users
  • -Direct connect to LAN TCPIP network
  • -Powerful access control function with fingerprint anti-passback.

Standard feature:

  • -Text display on the LCD welcome screen can be program to display company name.
  • -LCD display employee name (user 0-4999) when flash card
  • -Built in 1 relay output for automation -activated according to duty time or pre-set weekly schedule.
  • -Support more accurate duty based time attendance function
  • -Ability to set expiry date for users
  • -Assignable user range for multiple master card. Master card is used to as a alternative method to enter editing mode incase user forgot the password
  • -Auto display current duty name according to the pre-set duty start time

Site Implementation:

site implementation AR837EF OS

