Synix Technology Pte Ltd - Wireless Surveillance System Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar - Synix Technology

Synix Technology Pte Ltd

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Multiple Input Extension Module | IM-120

Multiple Input Extension Module | IM-120

Input Module is a multiple-input extension module that can control up to 12 supervised inputs, 2 AUX, 1 tamper switch, and 2 relays. A total of 31 units can be connected to a master device via an RS485 daisy chain. It allows the use of inputs for interfacing with sensors or door contacts etc., as well as providing a simple ‘dry contact’ interface for other systems.

  • Linkage
  • - Support Linkages between inputs and relays (ex, a relay would keep activated when the Input signal is kept.)
  • - Support event logs with Input Detected OFF and Input Detect ON 
  • - 12 Supervised Inputs
  • -  Action by alarm/fault(cut, short)
  • -  Support 3 AUX inputs, including 1 dedicated for tamper switch input to detect power failure or networking status (on/off) with the RS485 master device. 
  • - Multiple inputs and multiple replays operation
  • Offline mode
  • - Inputs and relays working on even though the RS485 is disconnected
  • - Logs up to 10 events that occurred during RS485 disconnection
  • : If more than 10 events occur, they will be deleted in the order of event logs that occurred first.